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Expense Tracker

Bilal1204's github profile

Track you daily transactions in 3 categories namely Savings, Expenses, Investment


nayanrdeveloper's github profile

DeDoctor are web3 based Doctor Consulation Application where user can create Appointment and Call with Doctor and charge cut in crypto Balance

Line Following Robot

Blaize15's github profile

A robot which follows a dark colored line with the help of sensors.

miniURL-URL Shortener

codewithavantika's github profile

Flask web app to shorten long URLs

Binary Search Tree Visualizer

roshan798's github profile

This is a web-based application to visualize binary search tree operations. The user can insert a value to the binary search tree, find a value, delete a value, and traverse the tree using different traversal techniques. The application animates the binary search tree operations step by step in real-time to help users understand how the algorithm works.

Quiz App

Atharvashirsh's github profile

A simple Quiz App made in flutter


Jatan88's github profile

A Mobile Application for both Android and iOS for Job Opportunities.


Nishitbaria's github profile

Contentify is a versatile content creation, social media management, and educational resources platform. It provides users with a comprehensive set of tools to excel in content creation, streamline social media management, and access valuable educational resources.

Pokemon Card

vivekrawat21's github profile

In this web app you can see the stats of different Pokemons like their abilities and their HP etc.

Sudoku Game

roshan798's github profile

This is a Sudoku game website created using html, css, and javascript.